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Beautiful Landscape

Past projects

Here's an overview of what we've done so far!

From projects to workshops to essays and proposals.

Every member of Earth Guardians Japan has had at least one project

that they have been a part of and/or have led! 


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SUStainability Workshop


Led by 3 EGJ members and presentations by 2 EGJ members !
Want to learn more about this event? Click the icon below!

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Cambodia and EGJ.png

collaborative event


Participants learned about animal testing, veganism, TNVR

and discussed ways we can love our animals more!

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Keyboard and Mouse

EGJ Essays


A safe space for members to share their work on various projects, as well as their opinions and stance on things they are passionate about! 


First Aid Kit

Red Cross Japan

Some members have participated in projects by joining the Junior Red Cross Association in Japan・メンバー青少年赤十字に加入し、日本赤十字社の活動に関わっています!

Marching Together!

Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.

One World Festival for Youth

Members have participated in this large scale event to advocate for causes they are most passionate about.


One of our most dedicated members started her very own Bakery! 


Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.


Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.


Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.


Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.


Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.

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